It has been a while since I’ve written a blog post. Life’s been busy, and so time has sort of slipped away. These past few weeks I’ve been setting up some new servers and wanted to standardise the setup. I recalled the old, trusty CLI tool Ansible and decided to give it a try.

Server provisioning
So before the advent of serverless computing, people would manage and host applications on physical or virtual servers.
Now there is something about the feeling of ssh-ing into a server and getting your hands dirty that I really like.
You can apt install
stuff, manage services with systemctl
, shoot your own foot with rm -rf /
, and generally just have full control over your own little corner of the internet.
But with great power comes great responsibility.
If you don’t want your server to be a target for hackers, you need to configure the sshd
service, set up a firewall, add intrusion detection, and so on.
You also might want to monitor the resource usage of your servers and much more.
Doing this manually for each new server is a pain, and remembering what you’ve done previously is even worse.
Server provisioning tools
But fret not, for the system administrators of old did not sit around doing this manually! Initially sysadmins would write shell scripts to automate the setup of servers, but this was not scalable. So they started writing tools to manage the setup of servers. Generally there are two models of server provisioning tools:
- The pull model
- The push model
In the pull model, you install an agent on each server you want to manage, and the agent will pull the configuration from a central server. The agent then applies any changes required to the server it is running on. This models incurs some overhead on each server, and as soon as you update the configuration on the central server, the agents will pull the new configuration and apply it.
In the push model, you run a central server that pushes the configuration to the servers you want to manage. This model negates the need for an agent on each server reducing the overhead. However, as the central server or machine have to apply the configuration on each server, this model is often slower to apply. Further more you need to occassionally check the configuration on target servers to detect any drift that might have occurred.
Ansible is a tool that implements the push model, sending python scripts to the servers you want to manage. Each python script runs on the target server and can be used to install packages, configure services, and so on. The only requirement for each server is thus a python interpreter, which is generally available on most Linux distributions.
The tool was released way back in February 2012, and has since then become a very popular tool for server provisioning. Some might argue that running servers and provisioning them is a bit of an old-school thing to do. Why not just use managed cloud services? Well, managed cloud services are great, but they can be expensive, and you don’t have full control over your own infrastructure.
So what does it look like to provision a server with Ansible?
The inventory
First you want to define an inventory of servers you want to manage.
This can be done in a file called inventory.yml
ansible_user: hunter
ansible_user: hunter
This inventory file defines two servers,
, that we want to manage, their respective IP addresses, and the user we want to use to ssh into them.
They are both grouped under the db-servers
group which we can reference in our playbooks.
Modules are the building blocks of Ansible.
They are small reusable python modules that can be used to perform specific tasks.
For example, the package
module is used to install and remove packages on a server using the distribution’s package manager.
Another example is the shell
module, which allows you to run shell commands on a server.
Actions are the tasks that are executed on the target server(s). They are defined in the playbooks and are executed by the Ansible agent on the target server(s).
Roles are a way to organize tasks into reusable units. The Ansible community has created a lot of roles for common tasks, such as installing and configuring specific services like Docker and CrowdSec.
You can also define your own roles, which can be reused in multiple playbooks.
The playbook
With modules, actions, roles and inventories defined we can finally get into the fun part: writing playbooks. A playbook is a yaml file that describes one or more plays, which are a set of tasks and/or roles that are executed on the target server(s). Each task defines some provisioning logic to be executed on the target server(s).
For example, to install a package on a server, you can use the built-in package
- name: Install packages
hosts: db-servers
- name: Install ufw
name: ufw
state: present
Simple, right?
If you want to do more than just install packages, you can run multiple tasks in a playbook.
- name: Install packages
hosts: db-servers
become: true
- name: Install ufw
name: ufw
state: present
- name: Enable ufw
cmd: echo "y" | ufw enable
Let say you want to install and configure a PostgreSQL server on your db servers.
You can use the geerlingguy.postgresql
role to do this.
# site.yml
- name: Provision postgresql on db-servers
hosts: db-servers
- role: geerlingguy.postgresql
become: yes
- /var/run/postgresql
postgresql_service_state: started
postgresql_service_enabled: true
You can of course combine roles and tasks in a playbook. But I won’t go into details here.
Ansible is a powerful tool for provisioning servers. It allows you to standardise the setup of your servers, and to automate the provisioning of new servers. It is a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed servers without it. Not only does it help automate the provisioning of new servers, your playbooks also act as documentation as code for your server setup.