
I have worked on various projects at work and in my free time. Here are some of them.

  • Code Monkey Clash

    to present

    Code Monkey Clash is an open source code competition workshop game I’ve been working on. It is heavily inspired by the Extreme Startup game I once played. This project is mostly done for fun and to learn new things. It was implemented using technologies and solutions like:

    • Bun - A JavaScript runtime, bundler, and test runner
    • ElysiaJS - A Bun framework for building web applications
    • HTMX - A JavaScript library library that allows you to access modern browser features directly from HTML
    • DaisyUI - A Tailwind CSS component library
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  • Norsky

    to present

    A Bluesky feed generator providing chronological norwegian language feeds for Bluesky users. Allows users to see posts written in norwegian bokmål, nynorsk and sami. Written in golang with SQLite as a database.

    Read more about it on my blog.

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  • Ajanottaja

    to present

    An open source time keeping app to keep track of my work hours. Initially implemented as a Clojure JSON over HTTP API and a SPA React frontend. Later ported to use Supabase. Uses Postgres database as a datastore. The project was started so I could keep track of my work time, but also to hone my skills with Clojure code and to keep up with the React and JavaScript ecosystem.

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  • Go Fjords

    to present

    Working on the new Go Fjords web site and booking solutions together with the team at Adventure Tech. Main areas of focus include the frontend, infrastructure as code, and continuous delivery.

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    to present is my personal website where I share thoughts, musical recordings, beer recipes, and more. You are in fact reading this text on my website right now! It has undergone several iterations and is currently built with Astro. I value privacy and have built the website with this in mind. It runs on Cloudflare Pages and uses some Cloudflare features. This includes D1 database for persisting some dynamic user interactions and R2 storage for distributing music files.

    My personal website serves as a playground for testing neat ideas and technologies. I get to use technology I’d otherwise not have a chance to use in my day job. This includes Solidjs, a React-like library focused on signals that compiles to native DOM operations.

    My hope is that my website can be a source of inspiration for others. The website is open source. Feel free to take a look at the code and use it as a starting point for your own website.

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  • Microdata


    Worked on a national platform in Norway for conducting research based on SSB’s register data with a team from NSD (now Sikt) and SSB (Norway’s statistical agency). The project implements a new web based statistical analysis platform that grants researchers access to SSB’s register data from the browser without exposing raw data.

    I helped set up the initial continuous deployment tooling to build the services and deploy them. Further more I developed the initial public site and variabel overview site with metadata about the variables available on the platform. Some contributions were made on the backend systems and on the analysis frontend itself.

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