I tend to write about programming and information technology. The blog is not updated all too often, but I try to write every now and then. Enjoy!
Ansible - An elegant provisioning tool for a more civilized age
Make some confetti with JavaScript and Canvas - Part Two
Make some confetti with JavaScript and Canvas
Code Monkey Clash - A Code Competition Workshop Game
A likes feature with Cloudflare D1 and Astro API endpoints
Musical recordings on
Review of Kerbal Space Program 2 - Part 1
process-bonk a small utility to watch and kill a process
Building beer recipe pages with Astro and Brewfather
Bluesky feed generators giving users algorithmic choice
Generating opengraph images for your Astro page
A comment system on top of ATProto and Bluesky
Ngrok like tunnels with Tailscale, a VPS, and Traefik
Spotifyd and Spotify TUI for a leaner listening experience
Running Wireguard on Scaleway Stardust
New homepage with Gatsby.js hosted with Cloudflare Workers
Shared mutable app state in Actix Web
Embedding Coral Talk in your Ghost Blog
Caching apollo graphql query results with your own caching hoc
A privacy respecting talk gravatar plugin
Building Docker images with Gitlab CI
Coral Talk - An open source comment system from Mozilla
Jalopy (game) - A trip through Eastern Europe in a Lada
isso - a lightweight privacy minded comment system
GPG, Web of Trust, and
Setting up (B)ELK stack on your server
Setting up a Docker image builder with Gitlab CI Runner
Netflix launches second round of kimmification
Clojure - A first encounter
Mosh (mobile shell)
Welcome to the new